Saturday, February 16, 2013

The best Senior High School in Indonesia

Ini buat anak anak 3 smp yang lagi siap siap mau masuk SMA semoga bisa jadi referensi yang berguna buat kalian ya.. Oh ne follow me on twitter @ste_septyani Gamsa^^ [Salam KoreanHolic kkkk~] *diurutkan dari 13 sampai 1*:

13. SMAS Lokon Sulawesi Utara (Sekolahnya Siswa Advance):
SMA ini menyaring siswa/i barunya berdasarkan tes, agar standar siswa/i nya terjaga, dan dijamin murni.
Selain itu SMA ini juga menyediakan asrama buat siswa/i nya, tapi tidak diwajibkan.
Buat info lebih lanjut tentang SMAS Lokon kunjungi
12. SMAN 10 Samarinda (Sekolah Rasa Kampus):
Sekolah Negeri di Samarinda ini cukup berbeda dari sekolah Negeri lainnya, karena sekolah ini memiliki asrama untuk siswa/i nya, dan semua siswa/i yg masuk SMA ini diwajibkan untuk masuk asrama, serta diwajibkan pula untuk mengikuti semua program diasrama.
Yang membuat sekolah ini berbeda jg karena sekolah ini punya “rasa” kampus, maksudnya sekolah ini membebaskan para muridnya seperti dikampus2 biasanya, dan sekolah ini pun ngak pake rapor, melainkan menggunakan Indeks Prestasi (IP).
Wah, sekolah yg unik nih, cocok buat agan2 yg pengen “bebas”.
Buat info2nya kunjungi

11. SMAN 5 Surabaya (Andalkan Program Magan):
Sekolah dari kota Pahlawan ini ngak pernah sepi dari kegiatan2, baik itu kegiatan yg berhubungan sama sekolah, ato yg diluar dari pelajaran (Ekstrakurikuler).
Selain itu, SMAN 5 Surabaya ini lebih banyak menghadirkan program magang buat siswa/i nya, biar lulusannya pada punya kualitas dan kemampuan.
Tapi buat agan2 yg pengen masuk SMAN 5 Surabaya ini harus siap punya nilai rata2 UN yg selangit, yaitu 9.1 (wow)
Buat info2 lebih lanjut kunjungi
10. SMAN 8 Jakarta (Sentuhan Militer):
Salah satu SMA ter-favorit Jakarta inimewajibkan siswa/i nya buat ikut Latihan Dasar Kepemimpinan Sekolah (LDKS), dan ngak tanggung2 gan, LDKS nya langsung kerjasama sama Angkatan Darat, jadi bayangin ajah, dilatih dengan tingkat miiter sejak sekolah.
Selain itu sistem pembelajaran sekolah ini cukup unik, yaitu menggunakan sistem PAIKEM (Pembelajaran, Aktif, Inovatif, Kreatif, Efektif, Menyenangkan). Sistem ini dipakebiar siswa/i nya ngak bosen sama pembelajaran yg super duper bayak, jd diselipin games.
Buat info lebih jauh kunjungi
9. SMAN 1 Yogyakarta (Sekolah Peduli)
Sengaja disebut Sekolah Peduli karena sebelum mempunyai nama SMAN1 sekolah ini bernama Sekolah Teladan.
Semua warga Yogyakarta pasti tau sama sekolah yg satu ini, karena merupakan 1 dari 5 sekolah unggulan Yogyakarta, sekolah ini juga mempunyai motto “Global Oriented and National Culture Based School”.
Cek SMA ini ke:
8. SMAN 3 Malang (Berkat Bhawikarsu):
Sekolah ini salah merupakan salah satu Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional (RSBI), yg lekat dengan semboyan bernama Bhawikarsu, saking mendarah dagingnya, setiap warga Malang selalu ingat dengan semboyan ini jika mendengar namaSMAN 3 Malang.
Info lebih lanjut cek:
7. SMAN 3 Bandung (Musik OKE, Prestasi OYE):
Dari kota Kembang ada SMAN 3 Bandung yg masuk jajaran Sekolah TOP, sekolah ini menerima siswa/i nya dari Seleksi Terbuka yg disebut SERU3, nah jadi buat agan yg pengen masuk SMAN 3 Bandung cukup gampang, tinggal ikut tes nya ajah, kalo emang mampu pasti lulus gan.
Selain prestasi akademik nya yg bagus2, sekolah ini juga punya prestasi di bidang musik yg bisa dibilang OKE punya, gimana ngak, sekolah ini mampu mengirim siswa/i nya ke ajang Internasional buat perlombaan musik, disini musiak yg diperkenalkan yaitu musik khasIndonesia, angklung.
Jangan lupa cek SMAN 3 Bandung ke:
6. SMAN Plus Riau (Sekolah Komplet):
Sekolah unggulan Riau ini didirikan sejak 1998 lalu, dan sampai sekarang selalu menjadi acuan SMA lainnya di Riau.
Sekolah ini didukung dengan fasilitas lengkap, mulai dari laboraturium, baik itu buat IPA ato Laboraturium Bahasa, ngak ketinggalan lapangan, baik itu lapangan voli sampai basket.
Satu lagi yg bikin nih sekolah komplet, guru2 yg dipake jasanya minimal S2, nah bayangin ajah tuh, kita diajar sama guru2 lulusan S2 yg dijamin punya kemampuan yg tinggi.
Info lebih lanjut:
5. SMAN 1 Bogor (Satu2nya SMA Unggulan Bogor):
Nah buat yg satu ini bisa dibilang satu2nya SMA unggulan di Bogor, jadi buat agan2 yg mau masuk sekolah ini siap2 “rebutan kursi” sama anak2 lain, karena so pasti bakalan banyak saingan buat masuk sekolah unggulan ini.
Jangan llupa cek:
4. SMAS Sutomo 1 Medan (Jagoan Akademik dan Olahraga):
Dari Medan kita punya SMAS Sutomo 1 Medan, SMA ini bisa dibilang Jagoannya Olahraga, karena prestasi olahraga nya terutama Basket selalu mentereng, disetiap ada kejuaraan basket antar sekolah, tim basket SMAS Sutomo 1 Medan pasti jadi ygfavorit, buat piala yg uda disabet ampe ngak keitung deh banyaknya.
Info lebih lanjut cek:
3. SMAN 4 Denpasar (Junjung Tinggi Budaya Lokal):
SMA megah berlantai 3 ini selalu bikin orang terkagum2 ngeliatnya, gimana ngak soalnyaarsitektur gedung nya keren abisa gan, dan sekolah ini bernuansa Kota Bali Banget, karena itu sekolah ini dijuluki Sekolah yg Menjunjung Tinggi Budaya Lokal nya.
Bukan cuma itu, prestasi sekolah ini juga ngak maen2, kalo kita uda masuk sekolah ini kita bakal liat ratusan (ratusan gan) piala tersusun rapi dilemari.
Buat tau lebih tentang sekolah ini cek:
2. SMA Taruna Nusantara Magelang (Rebutan Siswa/i Se-Indonesia):
Buat sekolah yg satu ini kita2 pasti udah pada tau, sekolah ini sekolah yg menerapkan sistem asrama dan punya kedisiplinan tinggi, ngak salah kalo sekolah ini di cap sebagai sekolah militer.
Tapi jangan berpikiran negatif gan, sekolah ini memang punya kedisiplinan ala militer, tapi bukan berarti benar2 sekolah militer, pembelajaran disekolah ini tetap sama seperti sekolah lainnya, yg membedakan hanya kedisiplinan yg diajarkan seperti yg ada dimiliter.
Cek ini buat info lebih lanjut:
1. SMAN 3 Semarang (125 Persen Masuk PTN):
Ngak heran SMAN 3 Semarang dinobatkan sebagai SMA Terbaik Peringkat Pertama sama Depdiknas, selain punya banyak prestasi sekolah yg uda merintis sekolah bertaraf Internasional ini punyakualitas nomor wahid.
Salah satunya buat prestasi ajang Olimpiade Sains Nasional (OSN).
Selain itu sekolah ini menjamin siswa/i nya agar bisa bersaing dalam memperebutkan “kursi” kuliah di PTN, sehingga ngak salah Kepala Sekolah SMAN 3 Semarang berani nyebut lulusan mereka siap masuk kampus.
Cek ini:

[G-Dragon] 100 Facts About "Kwon Leader"

What's up VIP!!! This time i will share to you about G-Dragon's facts.. Hope you enjoy it ohh and follow me on twitter @ste_septyani !! Gamsa^^

Stage Name: G-Dragon [G드래곤 ]
Real Name: Kwon Ji Yong [권지용]
Position: Team Leader / Rapper / Vocal
Birthplace and date: Seoul, August 18, 1988
Height: 177 cm
Weight: 58 kg
Blood type: A
Family: Father, Mother, and an older sister (Kwon Dami)
Educations: Seoul Korean Traditional Arts Middle; High School, Gyeong Hee University majoring in Post Modern Music.
Specialties: Rapping, dancing, beat boxing, composing, singing, Chinese, English.
Hobbies: Drawing, arranging musics, singing/rapping, making funny expressions.
Personality traits: kind of cheerful guy, he could easily calm himself down. GD has high self-esteem, he is outgoing, talented, reliable, lovable, and has strong charisma.
Likes: Fashion, cooking, donuts, dogs, cars, books (poems, comic books, magazines), watching cartoons, and himself.
Active years: 2001 – now
Label: YG Entertainment
1. G-Dragon’s full name is Kwon Ji-Yong.
2. G-Dragon’s stage name came from his real name Jiyong (G “지” [Ji] & “용” [Yong] wich means “Dragon” in Korean).
3. GD was born in August 18, 1988. So, by the Chinese calendar, he was born in the year of dragon. So matched with his name, right? And also he is a Leo.
4. Personality: GD can be tough or cool, depending on his mood. He is a cheerful guy who could easily calm himself down. GD has high self-esteem, he is easy going, talented, and has strong charisma. He also a person that anyone could rely on, lovable. His excellent songwriting skills makes him a precious member of Big Bang as well as a good producer. He is dubbed as ‘genius’ by peers and fellow songwriters.
5. At Bigbang’s debut in 2007, GD won Best Songwriter Award in MKMF (MNet Km Music Festival)
6. GD also known with the name Iguana Idol, because he change his hair color many times in a year. It also makes the VIP (Bigbang’s fans) worried because his hair could be damaged.
7. For American musicians, GD idolizes Jay-Z, Beyonce, Rihanna, Blackstreet, JO, Pharrell, Maroon 5, Mondo Grosso, and 015B.
8. His favorite colors are yellow and white.
9. GD has been participating in entertainment industry since he was little. GD’s first showbiz appearance was at a kids’ TV program called 뽀뽀뽀 (Bbo Bbo Bbo). He was only 7 when he became part of “Little Roora.”

10. He joined YGE and became a trainee at age 12 (6th grade). He was persuaded by Yang Hyun Suk (YGE President) to ask and force his mom to sign him in to YGE when he came in with his mom for audition.
11. He sang the song of ‘Lil’ Bow Wow’ – That’s My Name at the YGE audition.
12. Since becoming a trainee under YGE, GD trained with another BigBang member, Taeyang. In their training days, the duo was known as GD-YB, and they have collaborated with other YG family members like Jinusean.
13. Initially, it was planned that he will debut, as a duo, with Taeyang. But, Yang Hyun Suk changed his mind and just thought of forming a 5-6 member boyband instead.
14. GD once fell into a fistfight against Taeyang in a basketball game when they were teenagers.
15. Although Bigbang has been recognized as highly fashionable idols, GD has the best fashion sense. In fact he is one of the best “fashionista” in Korea. He has a huge interest in fashion and he loves attending fashion shows around the world.
16. To date, GD has 7 tattoos on his body: See it all here
Most of GD’s tattoos were made when Bigbang attended Hollywood Bowl and in the birthday party of Danny (Im Tae Bin) of 1TYM in Las Vegas. Those tattoos were made by the tattoo artist, Carey Heart (Pink’s ex-husband) at a famous tattoo shop, Hart & Hurington Tattoo Parlor, Palms Casino, Las Vegas. While his two newest tattoos was made before Bigbang promoted their mini album Alive.
17. GD likes his nickname “Kwon Leader”.
18. ‘The Lies’ song was originally GD’s solo song, but then was rearranged and made as the band’s song.
19. GD’s shirt size is Medium, but for some particular brand he wears the small size.
20. GD’s body height officially is 176 cm (around 5’10″).
21. GD’s weight is almost around 55-60 kg, but never been more than that. GD is almost always been “thin”.
22. The first CD he has ever had is Wu Tang Clan album – Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers) with his favorite song “C.R.E.A.M”.
23. His fingernails are almost always looked damaged because without him noticing, he often bites his nails.
24. GD also often wears glasses a lot indoors.
25. GD said one of his favorite song is ‘The Killers – Somebody Told Me’.
26. He said his reason to jump into the music world is one word, destiny.
27. His nickname when he was a schoolboy was Kwonjiral.
28. Kang In of Super Junior was he boyhood friend.
29. 5th grade was the first time he wrote a song for a talent show.
30. He really doesn’t like people who value him only from his appearance. GD wants to be known because of his music rather than physical appearance.
31. GD said his ideal type of woman is the kind of Ivy, BoA, and Lee Yeon Hee. For BoA and Ivy because they dance, sing and implicate Hip Hop and R&B perfectly with their style. While Lee Yeon Hee because he said she is sweet.
32. Taeyang once said that GD is a playboy. And GD immediately rectified Taeyang’s answer with a laugh.
33. Ahn Sohee (Wonder Girls), Kiko Mizuhara (Japanese model), Sandara Park (2NE1) are three girls linked to be having relationships with GD in recent years. Even GD and Sandara Park have their own ‘couple fans’ called The Applers.
34. GD confessed he was looking for a girl with sweet smile and good at kissing. ^^
35. GD once said that Dara is the cutest girl at YGE.
36. GD once said that his ideal type is a girl with short hair. For him, girls with short hair look sexy and fresh at the same time.
37. GD is the member of Bigbang who has the most fangirls (female idol who idolizes male idol).
38. GD is the third oldest member in Bigbang. (1. TOP 2. Taeyang 3. GD 4. Daesung 5. Seungri). A little story, once at his birthday GD felt lonely and sad, but after he read some letters from his fans he felt touched and happy.
39. GD picked Seungri as the one he would date if other Bigbang members are females.
40. When Bigbang were still living in their first apartment, GD shared bedroom with Seungri. GD confessed he often hugged Seungri while he was sleeping.
41. Junsu of 2PM is GD’s best friend when he was still a trainee.
42. GD’s debut as a rapper was with Perry in the song Storm.
43. Perry’s song “G-Dragon” was taken from GD’s stage name.
44. GD once got a bad score in school. When Appa of YG found out, he warned GD and said that if he will not get at least 80, he couldn’t train with YGE anymore. With extra effort, GD finally graduated with final grade of 87.
45. Taeyang and Seungri are the VIP’s favorites for GD’s pair partner. They chose Taeyang because he’d been friends with GD since he was 12. As of Seungri, he was chosen because he is naive and could be easily bullied, thus, GD could make fun of him all the time!
46. Known as the most hot-blooded and ill-tempered one in every performance training sessions, because they have to stay focus and work hard.
47. Among the member of Bigbang, GD’s the only one who’s not afraid of Appa of YG, instead Appa YG fears him. Maybe because GD is so talented that Appa YG is afraid of losing him if he gets scolded.^^
48. GD is also nicknamed “Pinky Boy” because he likes to wear his favorite pink scarf.
49. GD is the only one who has ever seen Appa YG acting cute when he was bragging about his new pair of shoes and did a “funny” dance while he’s listening to music.
50. GD’s is so proud of himself when he is on the stage.
51. GD always yells as the first ritual before stage performance or before the recording session.
52. Some VIPs gave him a name “Sandpaper Ji Yong”, because his figure looked rough and cold from the outside GD himself confessed he really looks like that from the outside, but from the inside he is not really that kind of guy. Only people around and close to him know what he’s really like.
53. GD once said if there any girl VIP who attracted his attention, he’s gonna pull whatever it takes and any chances to talk to her.
54. As a leader, it’s his obligation to check incoming messages in all of the member’s’ cell phones. He also always check e-mails or comments from Bigbang fans.
55. GD is the youngest child in his family and has a sister named Kwon Dami. Dami has an online boutique and GD always help her promote by wearing her creations.
56. When GD was asked, what he will do if a pretty girl got his attention, he answered that he will come to the girl directly and personally.
57. GD always use his spare time to write song lyrics.
58. GD confessed one time that he respects Se7en.
59. GD became a composer for the song “Manwon Song” when Seungri performed it at the “Manwon Haengbok (Happy Share’s Company)” show. And Seungri wrote the lyrics.
60. GD’s room is the cleanest and the neatest among the Bigbang members’ room, while Taeyang’s room is called “A Shop” because it’s full of limited edition clothes and stuff from many famous brands.
61. His “1″ speed dial is his dad’s cellphone number.

62. When he was asked which member of SNSD he thinks is closest to his ideal type, he answered Yoona.
63. GD wants to collaborate with Ivy and produce a sexy music with her.
64. There was a time when GD felt very embarrassed. It was when he got drunk and was told that he was dancing like crazy in front of SNSD members.
65. Sandara Park once confessed that GD is the ideal type of her.
66. GD is a perfectionist, he would be very upset if the boys look less serious in their training sessions for stage performance or recording.
67. GD was once hit by a marijuana scandal case when he was in Japan. But the talks about the scandal died down and BigBang eventually made a successful comeback in 2012.
68. GD is very close to his family, even he got a nickname “Mom’s Best Son,” which means many mothers want to have a son like him.

69. GD’s first girlfriend was older than him. When his girlfriend asked him to break up, GD confessed that he yelled at her at the phone.
70. GD’s first kiss was just a brief kiss. It happened in front of his house when he was still in high school. He said, “I did it because I wanted it and I liked that girl. My heartbeat went so fast when I did it. We broke up in the end anyway.”
71. At the ending of “This Love” song, GD mentioned name “J” which is the initial name of his ex-girlfriend, a ballerina and a daughter of an important and very rich figure in Korea. Many people suspected Kim Jin Ah/Jina was the one GD meant in his “This Love” song.
72. If he is not a singer, he will learn fashion because it is his passion. GD also said that the most valuable things for him were his hats, shoes, and accessories. He would be very sad if those stuffs get lost since it is hard to replace them.
73. What he likes about being famous is that he can get a lot of support from people.
74. And what he doesn’t like is that he couldn’t go anywhere he wants freely.
75. The songs he always sing at the karaoke are “This Love” (Maroon 5) and “Gi uk man ee ra do” – Ann.
76. Has a Shar-pei named Ga Ho.

77. The body part that he feels most proud of is his nape.
78. GD really wants to challenge his ability in acting.
79. GD feels very handsome when he is on stage. He also feels this way after taking a shower and staring at his face on a foggy mirror. GD thinks his hair always looks cool after shower.
80. GD once signed up on Ivy’s and BOA’s fansite forums (his accounts have already expired).
81. He wants to try mixing Trot and Hip Hop music.
82. His favorite dressing style is his own style; well-made, high-quality, and cool.
83. He has a group named NuThang (pronounce as New Thing). It is consisted of his friends like Lee Soo Hyuk (the guy in 2NE1 music video It Hurtz), Yang Seung Ho, and Lee Jung Hyun (now 2NE1′s stylist).
84. Once played as Riu/Ji Hoo in Boys Before Flowers parody and as Gil Ra Im in Secret Garden parody with other members of Bigbang. The moment that successfully surprised VIPs was his kissing scene with TOP in Secret Garden parody.
85. GD likes to release stress by having fun- goofing around and laughing with people. On the other hand, to boost his mood, shopping and sleep are the secret!
86. He would choose love over job and career.
87. He always sleep diagonally. It is his usual sleeping position.
88. In 2009, his front tooth was damaged so he underwent surgery to fix it.
89. He love to sleep and waking him up is not easy. Bed is a heaven for him. He likes to lay down to muse and think about everything that he’d done during the day.
90. GD was once a protege of SM Entertainment for 5 years. He signed for them when he was 5, but because the intensity of the training schedule that seems irregular, and SME was uncertain whether to make him a soloist or get him into a boyband, GD became doubtful about his future under the agency.
In addition, he heard that he was being set up as supplementary member for Shinhwa, in other words, an unofficial member, and this make things even more confusing for GD so he finally resigned.
When at a friend’s house, he listened to rap and eventually learned freestyle rap. From there, he decided to train under YG Entertainment. YGE is well-known for their rap music.
91. GD once made it in the “Top 10 gay’s most wanted guy.” They said that his petite body seems delicious to be hugged.
92. While in England, GD and his manager met some fans. The fans said that GD has a very good scent, he was so fragrant. They weren’t able to have a picture with GD because, as his manager explained, GD can only sign autographs.
93. GD was the best runner in Bigbang.You can see it in Running Man episode 84-85.
94. GD is also often reported as one of the richest idols. The majority of his income come from royalty in songs he wrote.
95. GD’s car is a Bentley Mansory worth $279,052 – $372,070. It is white and has a dragon pattern on its left body. He also owns a white BlackBerry.
96. Bigbang members once said that GD prefers a “Noona” although there was a time when GD also praised Sulli of f(x). He said she is very cute (Sulli is very much younger than GD). Then GD quickly clarified that he only considered Sulli as his junior in music industry.
97. GD is known to be a generous person and he can make a delicious sandwich. He frequently share his home-made sandwiches to his friends.
Once, GD and the rest of the Bigbang members have signed a guitar to be auctioned off. The proceeds was donated to the earthquake victims in Japan. Bigbang also donated other things like signed YG family T-shirts.
98. GD appeared with a funny dance in the 2NE1′s Fire (Street version) music video. He danced a weird move with Minzy for a few seconds.
99. One of GD’s most prized possesions are his shoes and hats. He grew a habit of collecting and organizing them all the time. He reasoned, “Even though it’s only clothes, once you loose it, you can’t just buy it back.”
Christian Louboutin is his favorite sneaker brand and the most bought and worn by him. As for clothes, he prefers Marc Jacobs. For other accessories, he chooses rings as his favorite. GD said when he’s nervous, he likes to twirl and play with the ring he wore.
100. In 20 years, GD wants to be like Appa YG, to help people make their dreams come true.

Why Does Love Hurt?

Many people believe that love is a sensation that generates when Mr. or Mrs. right appears.... no wonder so many people are single. Many people approach a relationship either consciously or unconsciously, they believe love is a sensation based on physical and emotional attraction that magically/spontaneously generates when that special person appears. And just as easily, it can spontaneously degenerate when the magic just isn't there anymore. You fall in love, and you can fall out of love. The key word is passivity. The sad consequence of this misconception is: "There is hardly any activity, any enterprise, which is started with such tremendous hopes and expectations and yet, which fails so regularly, as love." Love is the attachment that results in deeply appreciating another's goodness. See what we value most in ourselves, we value most in others. God created us to see ourselves as good (hence our need to either rationalize or regret our wrongdoings). So, we seek goodness in others. Nice looks, an engaging personality, intelligence and talent (all of which counts for something) may attract you, but goodness is what moves you to love. Trust Me! If that person doesn't see the same goodness in you, love is not possible because it really takes two to love. I like to say give and receive. Remember a person can't love if they don't want to be loved. Love is a choice, if love comes from appreciating goodness, it needn't just happen--you can make it happen, love is active. You can create it. Just focus on the good in another. If you can do this easily you'll love easily but will be venerable to a lot of fake love in return and also pain. Obviously, there is a far distance between personal love and unconditional love. See unconditional love is rooted from within.... only a person who captures your true love will receive it...because you see the true goodness in them. Actions affect feelings. How can you deepen your love for someone? Actions affect our feelings the most. If you want to become more compassionate, thinking compassionate thoughts will be a start. Giving ultimately is the key. While most people think that love leads to giving.... the truth is actually the total opposite, giving leads to love. The first action of giving is care, demonstrating the active concern for a person’s life and growth. The second is responsibility, responding to their expressed and unexpressed needs, esp. emotional needs. The third is respect, the ability to see a person as they really are, to be aware of their unique individuality and consequently, wanting that person to grow and unfold as they are. These three actions all depend on the fourth, knowledge. You can care for, respond to, and respect another only as deeply as you know them. The effect of genuine giving is profound. It allows you into another person’s world and opens you up to receiving their goodness. At the same time, it means investing a part of yourself in the other, enabling to love that person as you love yourself. In conclusion love is also a behavior, a relationship thrives when two partners are committed to behaving lovingly through continual, unconditional giving-- not only saying, "I love you" but showing it! See, in the end love is really overrated and inexplicable. People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person. When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a Godsend and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that your need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on. Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it, it is real. But only for a season! LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons, things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant. Thank you for being a part of my life, whether you were a reason, a season or a lifetime. REDEMPTION.

4 Reasons Kids Are Bored at School

It’s not uncommon for children to complain once in a while that school is boring. Usually what they are telling you is they don’t enjoy the topic or skill that they are learning at the time or that they’d rather have had less desk time. For some children, being bored at school is an ongoing complaint, one that causes real distress and can even lead to school avoidance or school refusal behaviors.

Why Are Kids Bored at School? 

Some parents jump to the conclusion that their child is gifted, that the work is too easy for him and that’s why he’s bored. Other parents jump to the conclusion that it is the teacher who is unsuccessful and not presenting the material in a way that engages the students. While both of these are valid assumptions, they’re not the only reasons kids are bored in school.

Kids get bored in school because they are:

1. Under-Challenged

 Bright students who don’t need a lot of instruction to master a skill or  start out ahead of the rest of the class often complain of being bored at school. What they’re really telling you is they are not being challenged by the work in the classroom.
Students who are under-challenged aren’t always gifted--there are specific qualifications for that but they are typically very capable and very smart. Surprisingly, these children don’t always present that way. In fact many under-challenged students are sloppy in their work, don’t study much (though still get good grades) and tend to zoom right through their work without much in the way of editing or rechecking.

2. Under-Motivated

Under-motivated students also complain of being bored in school, but not because they already know what’s being taught. This complaint is different. Often “school is boring” is paired with “that’s why I don’t do the work” or “that’s why I don’t pay attention.”

An under-motivated child is not the same as a lazy child. In some cases, the lack of motivation is tied in to a feeling that what he’s learning isn’t personally important, that the learning process has no meaning for him and his life. In other situations, a lack of motivation can be the sign of an underlying issue, such as childhood depression, ADHD or a learning disability.

3. Under-Connected

Children who have trouble forging a connection with their peers and/or their teacher may be bored in school because they feel very isolated. If your child hasn’t built a comfortable relationship with anyone in his classroom, he may feel as though he has nowhere to turn when he needs help with the work.
That, in turn, can cause him to tune out, making him feel as though he is “bored.” What he’s really experiencing is the need for some encouragement that he’s a part of the classroom community.

4. Under-Skilled

Not all students have the skills they need to be successful in the classroom. Whether that’s because your child has learning deficits caused by a disability or because he hasn’t been taught in a way that’s most conducive to his learning style is really not of importance.
The bottom line is that if a child is saying he’s bored because he doesn’t know how to study for tests, create a plan for a long-term project or write a paragraph, what he really means is “I don’t know how to do this, so I don’t even want to try.”
The reasons get bored at school aren’t mutually exclusive, either. You can have an under-challenged, unconnected child with poor test-taking skills just as easily as a child who is simply unmotivated. The trick is to discover what your child is really telling you when he says “I’m bored at school” before jumping to conclusions.

Fly (Rihanna ft.Nicky Minaj) with indonesian translate

If you are big fans of Rihanna and Nicki Minaj check this out guys!

I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive
I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise
To fly
To fly

I wish today it will rain all day
Maybe that will kind of make the pain go away
Trying to forgive you for abandoning me
Praying but I think I'm still an angel away
Angel away, yeah strange in a way
Maybe that's why I chase strangers away
They got their guns out aiming at me
But I become Neo when they aiming at me
Me, me, me against them
Me against enemies, me against friends
Somehow they both seem to become one
A sea full of sharks and they all smell blood
They start coming and I start rising
Must be surprising, I'm just summising
Win, thrive, soar, higher, higher, higher
More fire

I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive
I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise
To fly
To fly

Everybody want to try to box me in
Suffocating every time it locks me in
Paint they own pictures than they crop me in
But I will remain where the top begins
Cause I am not a word, I am not a line
I am not a girl that can ever be defined
I am not fly, I am levitation
I represent an entire generation
I hear the criticism loud and clear
That is how I know that the time is near
See we become alive in a time of fear
And I aint got no muthafucking time to spare
Cry my eyes out for days upon days
Such a heavy burden placed upon me
But when you go hard your nay's become yay's
Yankee Stadium with Jay's and Kanye's

I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive
I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise
To fly
To fly

Get ready for it
Get ready for it
Get ready for it
I came to win
Get ready for it
Get ready for it
I came to win

I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive
I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise
To fly
To fly

[Translate Indonesian]

Aku datang untuk menang, untuk melawan, untuk menaklukkan, berkembang
Aku datang untuk menang, untuk bertahan hidup, makmur, meningkat
untuk terbang
untuk terbang

Saya berharap hari ini akan hujan sepanjang hari
Mungkin itu akan membuat semacam rasa sakit pergi
Mencoba untuk memaafkan Anda untuk meninggalkan saya
Berdoa tapi saya pikir saya masih malaikat pergi
Malaikat pergi, ya aneh dengan cara
Mungkin itu sebabnya aku mengejar orang asing pergi
Mereka punya senjata mereka keluar bertujuan me
Tapi aku menjadi Neo ketika mereka bertujuan pada saya
Aku, aku, aku melawan mereka
Me melawan musuh, saya terhadap teman-teman
Entah bagaimana mereka berdua tampaknya menjadi salah satu
Sebuah laut penuh hiu dan mereka semua darah bau
Mereka mulai datang dan aku mulai naik
Harus mengejutkan, aku hanya summising
Menang, berkembang, melambung, lebih tinggi, lebih tinggi, lebih tinggi
lebih api

Aku datang untuk menang, untuk melawan, untuk menaklukkan, berkembang
Aku datang untuk menang, untuk bertahan hidup, makmur, meningkat
untuk terbang
untuk terbang

Semua orang ingin mencoba ke kotak saya di
Mencekik setiap kali mengunci saya di
Cat mereka gambar sendiri daripada mereka memotong saya dalam
Tapi aku akan tetap di mana bagian atas dimulai
Karena saya bukan kata, saya tidak garis
Saya bukan seorang gadis yang pernah dapat didefinisikan
Saya tidak terbang, saya levitasi
Saya mewakili seluruh generasi
Saya mendengar kritik keras dan jelas
Itu adalah bagaimana saya tahu bahwa waktunya sudah dekat
Lihat kita menjadi hidup dalam waktu ketakutan
Dan aku tak punya waktu luang muthafucking
Menangis mata saya keluar untuk hari setelah hari
Seperti beban berat ditempatkan di atas saya
Tapi ketika Anda pergi hard nay yang menjadi yay ini
Yankee Stadium dengan Jay dan Kanye s

Aku datang untuk menang, untuk melawan, untuk menaklukkan, berkembang
Aku datang untuk menang, untuk bertahan hidup, makmur, meningkat
untuk terbang
untuk terbang

Dapatkan siap untuk itu
Dapatkan siap untuk itu
Dapatkan siap untuk itu
Saya datang untuk menang
Dapatkan siap untuk itu
Dapatkan siap untuk itu
Saya datang untuk menang

Aku datang untuk menang, untuk melawan, untuk menaklukkan, berkembang
Aku datang untuk menang, untuk bertahan hidup, makmur, meningkat
untuk terbang
untuk terbang